DragonBall Z Ultra SSJ 5
Family Tree
Saiyan Saga
Namek Saga
The Frieza Saga
Trunks Saga
Android Saga
The Cell Saga
Majin Buu Saga
Kid Buu Saga
Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Death List
Power Levels
Name Puns
Story Line
Ki (Energy)
DBZ for PS2
Goku Pics
Video Clips
DBZ Music


First appearence in Dragonball
- Goku - 12
- Bulma - 16
- Yamcha - 16
- Krillin - 13
- Tien - 16
- Chi Chi - 12

End of Dragonball
- Goku - 19
- Bulma - 23
- Yamcha - 23
- Krillin - 20
- Tien - 23
- Chi Chi - 19

Beggining of Dragonball Z
- Goku - 23
- Chi-chi - 23
- Gohan - 4
- Goten - not born
- Videl - 4
- Pan - not born
- Vegeta - 31
- Bulma - 27
- chibi Trunks - not born
- mirai Trunks - not present
- Bra - not born
- Krillin - 24
- Yamcha - 27
- Tien - 27
- Maron - not born
- Dende - 4

Arival of the Androids
- Goku - 27
- Chi-chi - 28
- Gohan - 9
- Goten - not born
- Videl - 10
- Pan - not born
- Vegeta - 36
- Bulma - 32
- chibi Trunks - 1
- mirai Trunks - 16
- Bra - not born
- Krillin - 29
- Yamcha - 32
- Tien - 32
- Maron - not born
- Dende - 0
(Goku's death during the saiyan saga reduces his time in earth life. Meaning he's a year younger)

Death of Cell
- Goku - 29
- Chi-chi - 29
- Gohan - 11
- Goten - not born
- Videl - 11
- Pan - not born
- Vegeta - 38
- Bulma - 33
- chibi Trunks - 1
- mirai Trunks - 18
- Bra - not born
- Krillin - 30
- Yamcha - 33
- Tien - 33
- Maron - not born
- Dende - 10
(You will notice how all the saiyans seem to have aged more, then the others since the "androids" section. The reason to that is the Room of Time and Spirit. 1 years training in a day)

Awakening of Majin Buu
- Goku - 29
- Chi-chi - 36
- Gohan - 18
- Goten - 7
- Videl - 18
- Pan - not born
- Vegeta - 45
- Bulma - 40
- chibi Trunks - 8
- mirai Trunks - not present
- Bra - not born
- Krillin - 37
- Yamcha - 40
- Tien - 40
- Maron - 6
- Dende - 17
(Goku is 7 years younger then everyone else since the Cell Games, reason being is because he was in the other world for those seven years).

End of Dragonball Z
- Goku - 39
- Chi-chi - 46
- Gohan - 28
- Goten - 17
- Videl - 28
- Pan - 4
- Vegeta - 55
- Bulma - 50
- chibi Trunks - 18
- mirai Trunks - not present
- Bra - 5
- Krillin - 47
- Yamcha - 50
- Tien - 50
- Maron - 16
- Dende - 27

Beginning of Dragonball GT
- Goku - 49 (transformed into 12 years)
- Chi-chi - 56
- Gohan - 38
- Goten - 27
- Videl - 38
- Pan - 14
- Vegeta - 65
- Bulma - 60
- chibi Trunks - 28
- Bra - 15
- Krillin - 57
- Yamcha - 60
- Tien - 60
- Maron - 26
- Dende - 37

End of Dragonball GT
- Goku - 112
- Chi-chi - probably dead
- Gohan - probably dead
- Goten - probably dead
- Videl - probably dead
- Pan - 114
- Vegeta - probably dead
- Bulma - probably dead
- chibi Trunks - probably dead
- Bra - unknown
- Krillin - probably dead
- Yamcha - probably dead
- Tien - probably dead
- Maron - probably dead
- Dende - unkown
- Goku Jr - 12
- Vegeta Jr 12

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